Generic BlueTooth
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You have to know that this is an “Add-On” to my Tutorial / Pictorial called “Generic Bluetooth Personal Area Network (PAN) and Windows XP SP2”. If you havened followed it this probably won’t work for you.
Now open your Bluetooth Manager …
1. 2.
Click the New then "Connect" Select "Join a personel network"
3. 4.
Select "Host a personel network" As we can see no devices are connected. Click "Add"
5. 6.
Devices in you range will appear on you screen select it.
Note that if your Computers PAN needs authorization you will be asked. So don’t forget to answer “Allow” on the request that appears on you PC.
If you have to add more devices click "Add" again.
Here it is you device show that Connection is established with the computer.